maanantai 17. syyskuuta 2012

Color me with red and green

My garden has given us lots of green and red stuf. I've tried to cook something of them.

I loooove beetroots and planted lots of them.

And courgettes. We got a lot of them too, they tend to come in millions. We've put courgette in everything. We also made lasagne out of it -courgette, beetroots and blue cheese. It should have been amazing but it wasn't. Oh well.

We pickled the rest of the beets...

...and some cucumbers too.

The courgette was amazing with some tomatoes, onions and herbs, all of them from our own garden!

Linking up with ColorMe Weekly # 38...

...and MacroMonday...

...and finally Mosaic Monday!

7 kommenttia:

  1. Lovely mosaics featuring foods from your garden. It all sounds wonderful, even the one you said didn't turn out so well.

  2. Lucky lady - having your own fresh veggies to eat! Had to look up courgette to find out what it is - like a zucchini. And my favorite greens are beet and radish greens.

  3. What beautiful photos - they all look so delicious - I particularly love the dark red of the beetroot photos, such a warm, autumn colour.

  4. yum!!! beautiful images of this bounty!


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