sunnuntai 14. lokakuuta 2012


Muutama kuvaton postaus takana joten tässä sunnuntain kunniaksi vähän sormileikkiä Scavenger Hunt-haasteen merkeissä.  //  This sunday I decided to do my Scavenger hunt with fingers and hands.

Had no luck with the flowing water this time so here's  lets say a very artistic take on the matter.

No explanation needed here.

That's our house. The old picture is taken way before I was born.

And that's my husband, I just love his hands! He can do all kinds of magic with them, here some tablet weaving. 

Almost all acorns were gone, eaten by squirrels and a couple of jays.

Linking up with Scavenger Hunt Sunday

11 kommenttia:

  1. You have a lot of hand shots here. I like hand shots very much and think hands tell so much about someone or a scene. I really like the water shot-and your then now if great to see. Your home looks lovely and how nice to hold on to memories

  2. Lovely shots. Really like your fingertips and then and now. Happy week to you.

  3. wow, love that then & now...what a change. Lovely group of images...have a great week ahead!!

  4. Your images all feature hands and seem very intimate. I like the shots very much - water is wonderful and dreamy!

  5. Your then and now picture is really cool. How fun to have those different pictures of your house. I also love the acorn!

  6. Wonderful set of shots, especially love the now & then!

  7. EEK! I had the same idea for the Faithfulness xx
    I think your work in stunning - I have to make time next week, mine were so rushed :(
    I am not yet addicted to the Scavenger Hunt and I so want to be :)

  8. Great photos! I love then and now!

  9. Thank you guys!! <3 <3 It's funny how allmost every week the ones you like the most are the ones that I don't like that much. Weird... =)

  10. Very nice set. I really liked your Then and Now shot.
    Also liked the Bucket List shot of the Acorns and the Fingertips shot. Well done.


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